Not really much happen lately that is interesting enough, just that have recently help a close friend to paint his flat and charge him a sumptuous seafood meal. Plan for a weekend getaway with dear to bangkok for holiday on our 2 year anniversary.
Next good news is, I am finally leaving my Lecturer job for a new greener pasture. Although i miss my students but cant help, its a fact of life that we need to strive for even greater ambition and create a better life for each and everyone of us. Thats what i was aiming for, at this current stage, to go further and climb higher.
My dear friend, Gary (whom is jobless and not really keen to look for job), once told me his reason for not getting a job after graduating. He is at the transition of getting a job is equal to working for the rest of his life and he wun start a job unless he found a really good job that could satisfy his life fulfillment value. He is not wrong, its just that everyone have different aim in life.
And this kept me thinking again. I came to realize that recently i may be imposing my own ideas onto others too much and thinking other people mindset on various stuff was wrong or childish. One example is my another friend. He got the chance to choose between a full-time 9-5 teaching job with better career prospect to a part time swimming instructor job. He choose the swimming instructor assignment in the end. What I felt was he should definitely choose the full time job instead of the swimming job due to better career prospect, able to gain experience, more money etc. I have seems to forgotten the fact that life is not about climbing the career ladder and more money only, its about passion in life. The swimming instructor job may be more fulfilling instead, as it is his passion when he see those kids manage to complete a lap or two with breast stroke or freestyle that he taught.
I came to realise that it really does not matter if u are a Lecturer or a Swimming instructor, what matters is you are happy with what you are doing.
And i am happy with earning more money :)
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